We’re excited that you’re interested in being a part of the worship team at Grays Harbor Foursquare Church!  It is a fun, challenging, and rewarding ministry. If God has gifted you with musical or technical talent, we want you to be able to use it for His glory! This is a somewhat complex ministry with many moving parts. So, for your advantage, and that of the worship ministry as a whole, there is a short process to become a regularly-scheduled member of the worship team. Here are the first few steps…
  • Prayerfully consider your involvement.
  • Please read the following information in its entirety (There is a lot of important information that you will need to know).
  • Fill out the application and submit it online.
  • Someone on the worship leadership team will follow up with you.
Questions are welcome…

Allison Fagerstedt
Worship Director
[email protected]


The first Core Value at Grays Harbor Foursquare Church is His Presence--using our every breath in whatever we do for God’s glory and purpose. ‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’ Acts 17:28.  He is our Father, and we aspire to recognize and respond to His presence in all we do, whether on or off the stage.  Members of our worship team are sensitive to the Spirit.  They have the ability to follow the prophetic flow while supporting the worship leader within the structure of the song.  Rather than rehearsing and repeating songs we listen to, it is our desire to learn the framework of the song with excellence, and use the song as a tool to facilitate new and fresh moments in response to the Holy Spirit.

We desire to equip our people to live a life of worship, wherever they live, work, study, play or shop. Living in close relationship with God is an awesome and humbling privilege that we encourage at every opportunity.  The worship ministry seeks to enhance that relationship by giving our people an opportunity to praise God together in a weekend worship environment, and then sending them out to be God’s hands and feet the other 99% of the week.

Team Commitment and Expectations

Singing to God with a sincere heart does not have or need to be complex. With that said there is a certain level of preparation, planning, and practice that goes into making each and every worship service simple. Because of this, there is a certain level of commitment that is required from the worship team that will exceed other ministries. This commitment can take on many forms. Here are a few practical areas where level of commitment is most evident.

Spiritual Preparation:

Worship on a platform is the overflow of a lifestyle of worship and a heart that is well-cultivated throughout the week. Personal spiritual intimacy with Jesus is our FIRST priority. Team members commit to living a lifestyle of worship inside and outside of the church.  We seek to grow our personal relationships with the Lord, and spend time in His presence continuously in our day to day so that we can be Spirit-led.  How can we lead people where we haven’t gone ourselves?

Musical Preparation:

Rehearsals are infinitely smoother when everyone has listened to, practiced with and memorized the scheduled music. Being prepared also means having any gear or equipment that you intend to use on Sunday with you for practice (lyric sheets or chord charts are provided on Planning Center Online – more on this later). Unless otherwise posted, you are expected to learn your parts in the likeness of the MP3 or Youtube video, giving special attention to the tonal qualities of each instrument or vocal part. For teamwork to happen effectively, we rely on you to play your part accordingly.

Teachable Spirit:

When ideas or suggestions are presented and received with a good attitude, the results are monumental for effective team building. If there are technical, musical or miscellaneous complications, keep attitudes positive and morale high. Be open to constructive criticism of the worship leader or band leader. They are trying to pull out every bit of greatness in you they can find, so be patient and receptive to constructive feedback.

Attendance and Punctuality:

The more we connect, the more we will operate in unity.  As a leader in the church, it is crucial for all worship team members to build and foster relationships. We build relationships by finding ways to communicate and be present even when our personal schedules are pressing.  We prioritize team events (leadership meetings, team nights, team meetings, etc).  We respond promptly to team messages when a response is necessary. In order to build community, we need to be present.  Schedules are communicated at least a month in advance.  Some team events are on the calendar for several months. Team members add events to their personal calendars and communicate conflicts in a timely manner to protect the time and schedules of others. Arriving early to rehearsals and services is always a good idea. If an unexpected situation arises and you know you will be late, please communicate this as quickly as possible with the worship leader.


GHFC has a very relaxed, unofficial “dress code.” However, there are a few basic requirements. Shoulders, cleavage, and the mid-section should be completely covered at all times.  Consider the height of the stage when choosing the length of skirts.  We want everyone’s focus to be on God. Anything that takes focus off of Him is a hindrance to our ultimate goal. Should your choice of clothing not meet this standard, you will not be able to lead until it has been resolved. This decision is up to the director or the worship leader.


The worship pastor and/or band leader always tries to give adequate notice of schedule or set list changes. While it is not uncommon for these changes to take place, it is only done when necessary. It is recommended that you periodically check back with email or Planning Center to view any potential changes. Weekly emails are shared the Tuesday before rehearsal with the current team.  You can also “blockout” dates in Planning Center prior to the creation of monthly schedules.  Please be specific when stating your availability in the application (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, Wednesday evenings, etc).  This will help with scheduling.

Culture of Honor:

As warriors on the front lines, we already know that there is nothing more bothersome to the enemy than the people of God, speaking and singing praises to the Lord.  One way the enemy tries to influence our worship is by stirring division within the church and even within the team.  We will not only work to recognize this tactic, but we will work to abolish it by honoring others.  If there is a disagreement, we will go directly to the one we are in disagreement with rather than stirring divisiveness through gossip.  We will not allow resentment to linger and build, and we will work to resolve differences quickly.

Audition Process

Once you submit your application, the Worship Director will contact you to arrange an audition time.  Formal auditions are annual at GHFC occuring in March of each calendar year.  However, applications can be submitted at any time for consideration and additional auditions may be scheduled.  There will be a brief informational meeting on a Sunday after church preceding the audition where you can sign up for an audition time slot.  On the day of auditions, you will be auditioning in front of the Worship Director and a few other worship leaders.  The leader will communicate with you prior to the rehearsal about the song or songs for your audition. Usually we ask that you learn one or two songs that we are currently leading at GHFC.  If you are auditioning as a vocalist, you will be asked to demonstrate the ability to sing harmonies in addition to the melody during your audition.  If you are an instrumentalist interested in auditioning as a vocalist, you will need to demonstrate your ability in both categories.  
Auditions are, by nature, a little intimidating. We will try to make the process as relaxed as possible. In some cases, it may be evident that an applicant’s skills have not developed enough to serve on a regularly scheduled basis. Should this be the case, those conducting the audition will give some advice on how the applicant can improve through follow up correspondence. After some time and practice another audition may be scheduled.

Weekly Schedule

Take a moment to review the schedule below. This is the normal weekly schedule and commitment expectations for those leading in worship on Sunday.

Monday – Wednesday (3–4 hrs)

Listen and practice the music to prepare for Thursday rehearsal.  If you’re a vocalist or instrumentalist, listen for your parts.  Listen to what is being sung as well as when.  It is not uncommon for vocal harmony parts to float in and out of the song with modern worship music.

Thursday Night (1.5-2 hrs) @GHFC

Arrival and setup (6:00pm-6:30pm)
Devotional/Prayer time (6:30pm–6:45pm)
Rehearsal (6:45-8pm)

Friday – Saturday (1 hr)

Sharpen anything that’s questionable (on you own time)

Sunday (4 hrs) @GHFC

Final run-through and prayer (8:00 am)
Worship Service (10:00-11:45 am)

Worship Team Application

This is the application for an audition for GHFC's Worship Team



*Serving Worship involves committing to 6:30-8:00pm on Thursdays and 8:00am - 12:00pm on Sunday Morning

